OI Shopping List
The OpenIntents Shopping list for Android lets you keep track of your shopping items. You can also use it for other kinds of check lists, for example for ToDo lists or party guest lists.
Currently, the Open Intents Shopping list supports the following functions:
- Add items, mark items, clean up list.
- Create new lists, delete lists.
- Pick different themes.
- Change font size, capitalization, and sort order through settings
- Open last list used
The following extensions are available for OI Shopping list:
- OI Voice Notes to add a recorded message to a note.
- OI ConvertCSV to export/import shopping lists to the SD card.
- OI About to display version information, links, credits, and license information.
OI Shoping list works together with the following applications:
- OI Update to receive notifications when updates are available.
- MyBackup Pro for backing up data.
- Bites to import ingredients of recipes into a list.
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